Open University Subotica and Park Palic invite you to visit the concert called “Heavenly Sound of Bamboo Flute and Hiao” by the Chinese Bamboo Flute Orchestra (Beijing Bamboo Flute Orchestra). The concert will take place at the Summer Stage on Thursday, August the 16th, starting at 9 p.m. The entrance is free.
Within the tour of Central and Eastern Europe, The Chinese Bamboo Flute Orchestra will also hold a concert in Palic,Serbia. This event will introduce an 8,000-year-old instruments from China with the unique charm of classic masterpieces.
The orchestra was founded in Beijing in 2012 and brings together the best young musicians from all over China,studying ancient Chinese music, which fits into modern concert forms and thus brings it closer to a wider, international, audience. The artistic concept is based on the traditional compositions, but with a stronger expression and more modern style that makes ancient Chinese bamboo instruments a new re-affirmation by combining with more modern instruments.
In addition to concerts across China, they have performed in the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Taiwan and Korea, where they have received excellent reviews from the world’s leading music authorities.
The Concert in Palic is a part of a European tour that will feature Chinese Bamboo Flute Orchestra concerts in Sarajevo, Zadar, Ohrid, Tirana and the island of Pag under the direction of Artistic Director Zhang Veiling, a prominent musician, composer and professor at the University, who has received numerous prestigious awards in China.