Wine routes
Winery Maurer

Winery Maurer is primarily concerned with old domestic varieties. Thanks to the fact that the grapes are grown on two viticultural areas, in Srem and in Hajdukovo, guests can enjoy various types of wines. You can try Sremska holly, Kevedinka, Bakator, Medenac white, Tamjanika, Slankamenka …

For guests who wish to taste wine decorated the terrace of the winery Maurer in a beautiful setting.


Adress: Сарајевска 16, Хајдуково






About Park Palic

There are infrastructurally fully equipped locations at the disposal of the investors

Invest with style

The settlement’s development strategy is defined by the Tourist Complex Development Project Master Plan.

Assembly membersj

Assembly members Park Palic

Public cometitions and listings

Company with limited liability for managing the development of the tourist area "Park Palić", Palić

Picture Gallery

Purposely utilize government property in order to valorise tourist resources

Park Palic Ltd

Defining contractual relations with the selected partner

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Lake Palic is the gem of Vojvoddina